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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptySat Apr 21, 2012 8:22 pm

I knew I would get some lulz out of this, ha ha

igit, that was actually funny, lol

too funny, carl, lmao
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 1:27 am

lmao, i met some guy (who is religious) but told a priest that god isnt real. ha ha i hear the priest got pretty mad
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Critique Extraordinaire

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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue Apr 24, 2012 10:08 pm

How can he be religious if he thinks god isn't real ..

very random ..
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PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyWed Apr 25, 2012 9:17 pm

Easy, he either lied/joked or he was religious but didn't believe in one god as the priest did.
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyMon May 14, 2012 11:03 pm

inb4 someone believes this
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Critique Extraordinaire

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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 12:16 am

That's some scary ****

Great post, thank you. I could say more but I am afraid the reps
are also listening in
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 12:29 am

are you serious, 2d4?
That shit is made by a 10 year old. its so obviously fake.
btw, called it "inb4 someone believes this"
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Critique Extraordinaire

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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 1:13 am

I don't know what inb4 means ? Is it a reptillian code? Anyway how do
you know they are all fake ? Isn't that a bit like saying all crop circles are fake .. I mean
that just can't be done, it's a numbers game. There are way many of these video's
too. are we supose to believe there are people constructing one fake reptile clip after
another all days long. I don't know
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PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 1:25 am

what do you mean fake? the clips in the middle are just failed broadcastings or renderings. its not at all like saying crop circles are fakes. crop circles are real. of course humans make them, but they still exist. those clips are so moronic. the serpent is hermes symbol, thats why it is the medical symbol. i bet with some research i could prove how fake each of those clips are.
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 1:44 am

I like how the title is "Reptilians Are Real". Of course reptilians are real... but reptilian people?

Hi I'm Mr.Turtle, pleased to eat you. alien
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Critique Extraordinaire

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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 1:48 am

Dude, only a moron would believe all those crop circles are man made, not only because they are so complex but so also because there are way too many of them. So maybe these are failed broadcasts, you could be right. have you ever wondered who hermes was ? What about the fact that this snake symbol represents like every ancient god that ever existed ? egyptian, mayan, chinese, all of them. It is a bit odd don't you think ?Even christian religion speaks of the old serpent called satan. One could say, it is impossible .. they could never shift like that or mask themself in such ways, but look at the stuff we can do now with 3d effects, and compare that to 100 years ago when we were awestruck by the first lightbulbs.

According to wikipedia, Hermes was the patron saint of thieves, commerce, sexual intercourse and a trickster who carried dead souls to the underworld. Who does that sound like ?
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Critique Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 2:29 am

I didn't mean to call you a moron okay .. just figuratively speaking
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 3:16 am
So many circles, eh? To complex?
Oh jeez, I dont know ANYONE thats good at drawing and designing things! It MUST be alienzz!!!11
I dont know anyone that likes to prank people!!!11 NOBUDY DOES!!!11111

oh ya, alienz r reall cuz the people that say tv is false say that.

Hermes is the god of agility. This includes thieves. But he was the messenger of the gods. I have no idea why the greeks chose that as their healthcare symbol but they did. Btw, he had 2 pets that were snakes. Im sure Zeus had pet somethings...

Snakes live all over the world. There are tons of them. Ever heard of a dog-human? Egypts gods were simply animals, usually humans with animal heads. Why would it be odd at all?

anyways, crop circles are alien made. we have so much proof. We dont have any proof that humans make crop circles...

That sounds silly. Of course we do. Google comes up with 518,000 results at "people admit to making crop circles"

omfg, what have i succumbed to, arguing about reptilian people.

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Critique Extraordinaire

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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 9:27 pm

Smile You get points just for having a sense of humor, that's 1

In fact, I googled it and it turned a baffling 3.110.000 hits .. lol (people admit to making crop circles)

I have to admit I don't know what to believe about all of this. Maybe you are right, and all ufo's sightings are fake, reptillians .. no. Crop circles, all made by humans, a bit disapointing actually. I just wonder how they can make complex shapes like this one. As far as the snakes go, if we asume everything else is fake, then why would that still be a valid reason for valium ?

IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 DTo59

I have seen a cannabis leaf circle and even an elvis presley .. and aliens obviously did not make those, so right now you have me convinced.thank you for saving me from the aliens in my mind hat !
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 10:00 pm

Don't trust him hat. I convinced him that YOLO but now he claims he doesn't think that anymore.
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Critique Extraordinaire

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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 10:17 pm

yolo ? what ever that means. I am not kidding, I wouldn't dare being that lame. This is the way I feel about it. It's not a crime to change my mind I hope ? It doesn't take much to deny ever having been wrong, that's for sure. The whole purpose of being alive is to learn .. evolution. . and such. Thanks for the vote of confidence igit, real classy dude

Ps. I am not saying I do or don't believe any of this stuff., I am saying
I obviously do not have a clue and therefore I am suspending my opinion
until further notice
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 10:42 pm

YOLO = you only live once = no shit sherlock

wait, i thought that heaven or hell would be a second life... yolt?
ANYWAYS, reincarnation is much more possible and realistic than heaven/hell... just what i think
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Critique Extraordinaire

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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyTue May 15, 2012 10:56 pm

Well, I have to agree with you again Smile and I am still convinced of it .. no YOLO for me ! No one ever had me convinced of YOLO, very sorry igit but that's not true. I am all the more convinced since I did two reincarnation regression sessions, in wich you reexperience parts of past lives (mostly death scenes unfortunately) and what I experienced , there was no denying it, for me that is Smile I am also reading an old book on the basics of theosophy describing ancient human races and reincarnation into detail. But meanwhile, I also have to say, I am now at the point where I could be wrong on anything .. I am keeping an open mind

Ps. reading your post again. Heaven/Hell and reincarnation are not mutually exclusive
if you ask me. Maybe a soul can spend a certain "time" some place before it comes back
to this draining lump of clay. It is said time is not really a concept that applies in other
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyWed May 16, 2012 9:28 pm

You must remember that this is a discussion thread. Whatever I say or whatever you say I will not use it against you in any other instances if I can help it. I was simply opening this topic up for other discussions and I hold nothing against either of you.

Anyways, Hat I see your point. I was just referring to life on this Earth, but yes, technically YOLT if you want to put it that way XD

2D4, the power of suggestion is a very powerful thing and reincarnation directly violates the Bible.

Here are a few quotes from Anunseenworld.

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Critique Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyThu May 17, 2012 10:57 pm

I know IGIT, I only reacted to the fact it seemed to me you thought it was lying about really having changed my mind. But for me being openminded to learn from what other people have to say is very important, as is mutual respect in discussing - anything - I am not offended that you have another point of view on this topic.

The points you make are pretty strong, especially the last one. I have to consider it a little while longer. I have to say though, it doesn't match with my expriences. If a demon gave me false memories, well, I wonder why he would make me remember things like my soul being taken up by an angel. It is a good point you make about the bible not agreeing on more then one life. I do not know why that is.

I do think that there must be a really good reason why we cannot spontaniously remember our past lives. If god intended for us to remember he would have made that possible but we cannot , maybe simply because it is not useful for us to know, in most cases. If you see what i mean.
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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptySat May 19, 2012 3:47 am

Yes, I see what you mean.
If reincarnation did exist I don't see how it would really be a benefit to us at all unless we did submit to past life regressions. It's kind of like people wanting to go into their past to change it. If they were actually able to go to the past, their memory of the future would have to be erased in order to not cause any problems, and therefore, they would make the exact same mistake.
In the same way I think living a second life would be kind of like having a second chance at the past, only in this case its the future. It wouldn't benefit us at all. If you see what i mean.
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Critique Extraordinaire

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PostSubject: 7 REASONS TO CONSIDER REINCARNATION (made up by me)   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptySat May 19, 2012 11:41 pm

I do see what you mean and the back to the future story is captivating Smile I want you to consider a few things though. What about people that die young ? live their unhappy lives in forced confinement or in a coma ? does that mean they do not get a rematch ? It's game over ? like that ?? Furthermore, it seems to me life is a learning experience, how much exactly can we learn in 1 life ? and do we all learn at the same pace ? No, some may need more time than others or they may make a bigger mess of things.

A previous life is not at all like going back .. remember, only your soul incarnates and that part is "the same" (if you can call it that - after the life altering experiences this soul had in one life -) and comes back to live again as another person. You may have been a woman with a bad temper, so not at all the same identity as you have now, there is no directly making up for faults from the previous life, rather consider all your good and bad decisions as having a weight on the scale of god or karma and impacting what happens to you in a next life, the conditions you grow up in, your character, the type of body you have. It goes without saying that harmonious deeds and ideas translate into favorable future circumstances. This is what I understand of it so far.

In addition, we see nothing is being lost in nature, science knows that the amount of water on earth remains the same - always - and that substances only shift or change into another state. Rain goes up and falls down again. Plants grow and die, we see this circle of life, so why would the souls of man not also have a circle of life ? It kind of doesn't make sense to assume everything revolves and repeats itself, yet, ONLY the human soul comes to earth once ..

Another reason to consider reincarnation is this question: where do all the souls come from ? If you assume every soul or spirit only comes to earth once, that means bazurcillionz of countless souls are needed to incarnate as humans (since the beginning of human existence), because we need a fresh soul every time a human is born ! We can't cheat by using even one soul twice because that would be re - incarnation. Okay, so that must apply to ALL life on this planet ? As soon as we can say, something has a life, it must have some type of soul. So each time ANY animal or plant, how ever tiny or insignificant is born, it has a new life soul ? If you think not, than why do animals reincarnate, while humans don't .. wouldn't make sense, since we are basically evolved animals. Well, now we are REALLY talking numbers. all the lifeforms on earth, from single bio-forms to dino's and people like Hat, they all have fresh souls, from the start of the beginning of time .. Do the math, it can't be done.

Furthermore, even if it could be done (by god) We can see life undergoes evolution (progress, improvement), so the genes pass themselves on and return in an advanced form. Are we suppose to believe this evolution principle ONLY applies to dna and hard bodies and that the souls that inhabit them do not change and evolve, that they only live once ? Hmmm

iN GOD I TRUST™ wrote:
Yes, I see what you mean.
If reincarnation did exist I don't see how it would really be a benefit to us at all unless we did submit to past life regressions. It's kind of like people wanting to go into their past to change it. If they were actually able to go to the past, their memory of the future would have to be erased in order to not cause any problems, and therefore, they would make the exact same mistake.
In the same way I think living a second life would be kind of like having a second chance at the past, only in this case its the future. It wouldn't benefit us at all. If you see what i mean.

This topic is great isn't it Smile I think that as you say here, it is indeed doubtful how usefull it is to do a regression and find out about a past life .. as I said before there is probably a good reason no one normally remembers it, as intended by god. You cannot go back and change anything even if it just for the simple reason that, the person you are going back to, is not you (as you are now) but a previous "you" so it would'nt be the same person and you can't repair the mistakes of another person, even if that person WAS you Smile Maybe it can be usefull to relive old trauma, make amends, and to find out why you have a specific fear in this life for instance. I am afraid of horses, I never knew why, but I did find out !

O yes, I just found yet another reason to consider reincarnation. Jesus himself ! It is said (by him) that he will come again, in the flesh, if that is not reincarnation what is ? If ONLY jesus reincarnates (no one else) that would be a bit odd don't you think ?
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PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptySun May 20, 2012 8:34 pm

Haha, yes this topic is rather fascinating.

I would like to start off with saying that the position we are placed in throughout our lives can form us, or we can form them. We can make what we want to out of what we have. Lets go to that point you made about someone dying young. When someone dies young one thing some people might say is, "he had so much left to live for" but if you have multiple lives that wouldn't really matter. To go back to my previous point, others might say, "he had the privilege to die young and not have to face old age". You can chose to dedicate your (one and only) life to learning or you can chose to just go to school and stop learning there, it all depends on what you make of it. So don't act as if you don't have a choice and that life isn't fair and you deserve a rematch. You have one chance, don't waste it arguing about it.

If a soul doesn't make up your personality and such then what does? If your soul remains the same than your personality must as well. On that note, If you become a christian in one of your lives then your soul would be saved. If your soul would remain the same then in your next life you would be born a christian! And that my friend, makes no sense. So either Christ was not born, Christianity is false, and you cannot save your soul, OR reincarnation exists.

By saying that it would only make sense that humans reincarnated because water recycles is rather absurd. It is bringing humans down to the level of a substance, not a soul.

I do not see what is so hard to believe that the creator of the universe that knows all, sees all, and is everywhere at once, can create as many souls as there are humans. Doing the math... hm... lets see... ok so one soul = 0 kgs and takes up 0 cmᶟ... if you multiply that by one bazurcillion you can see that they can all exist easily.

It is easy to see that the progress of humanity is not a simple uphill slant, it is the result of many trials and errors. If all human souls improved over time then by this time life would be virtually perfect, which of course, it is not.

Going to a regression is similar to going to a fortune teller if you compare it to the analogy i made earlier.

Jesus died, he resurrected after three days, he rose up into Heaven with his body and soul, he will come down with the same soul and will be the same Jesus. If anything that disproves reincarnation because his soul comes down to Earth twice and he remains the same person.
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Critique Extraordinaire

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IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptySun May 20, 2012 11:26 pm

iN GOD I TRUST™ wrote:
Haha, yes this topic is rather fascinating.

I would like to start off with saying that the position we are placed in throughout our lives can form us, or we can form them. We can make what we want to out of what we have. Lets go to that point you made about someone dying young. When someone dies young one thing some people might say is, "he had so much left to live for" but if you have multiple lives that wouldn't really matter. To go back to my previous point, others might say, "he had the privilege to die young and not have to face old age". You can chose to dedicate your (one and only) life to learning or you can chose to just go to school and stop learning there, it all depends on what you make of it. So don't act as if you don't have a choice and that life isn't fair and you deserve a rematch. You have one chance, don't waste it arguing about it.

If a soul doesn't make up your personality and such then what does? If your soul remains the same than your personality must as well. On that note, If you become a christian in one of your lives then your soul would be saved. If your soul would remain the same then in your next life you would be born a christian! And that my friend, makes no sense. So either Christ was not born, Christianity is false, and you cannot save your soul, OR reincarnation exists.

By saying that it would only make sense that humans reincarnated because water recycles is rather absurd. It is bringing humans down to the level of a substance, not a soul.

I do not see what is so hard to believe that the creator of the universe that knows all, sees all, and is everywhere at once, can create as many souls as there are humans. Doing the math... hm... lets see... ok so one soul = 0 kgs and takes up 0 cmᶟ... if you multiply that by one bazurcillion you can see that they can all exist easily.

It is easy to see that the progress of humanity is not a simple uphill slant, it is the result of many trials and errors. If all human souls improved over time then by this time life would be virtually perfect, which of course, it is not.

Going to a regression is similar to going to a fortune teller if you compare it to the analogy i made earlier.

Jesus died, he resurrected after three days, he rose up into Heaven with his body and soul, he will come down with the same soul and will be the same Jesus. If anything that disproves reincarnation because his soul comes down to Earth twice and he remains the same person.

Okay, you point out we have choice, to make use of our one life, but as I said, what about infants that die ? even at age 1, 2 or 3 ? not a lot of schooling options there I supose. That is what I meant by rematch. they didn't even get a chance to use anything. Also, people do not learn at the same pace, as you know, does that mean some people remain mentally retarded forever after their one life ? We were having a discussion, not an argument, as far as I was aware off ..

I didn't say only water recycles, EVERYTHING recycles, every atom , substance or energy particle, has been something else before over the course of millions of years. So if everything comes back in another form, it is indeed hard for me to believe human souls are the only exeption. You do realise that all matter exists out of energy, like everything else does, there isn't a lot of difference between energy and life or a soul. Yes, your left toenail probably was part of a gigantic pre time dragonfly ..

The numbers of souls is not a matter of kilograms, even you can figure that out. It is about how many human souls there actually are. But I guess I cannot say how many souls god can create so I will agree with you there. but I just can't get over the fact that making a usefull life, one life, and then stopping there .. it just seems like a complete waste to me. Why stop there ? or would you say we can learn everything we need to know in this short one life. I don't think so. I am talking about soul-learning .. not how many books you read.

It is easy to see that .. and consider this: If a human soul had only 1 life to learn something and than a new human soul would be born in his place to lean the exact same thing, etc .. how much progress do you think we would make at all ?? none. The progress we have made so far is because of reincarnation,

How would you know if it's the same as going to a fortune teller ? You have not been to either Smile It is not the same at all, the person helping you does not tell you anything and does not suggest things either, so everything you will see comes directly from you.

Okay, so Jesus, will come back with the exact same body he took with him up to heaven ? I didn't know that and it doesn't seem likely. Offcourse he will come with the same soul - we all do - but will he come in the same body, made of the same earthly molecules ? my guess is , he is going to be born into a new body. Maybe the bible tells us more about this ?
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PostSubject: Re: IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here   IS IT TRUE ? ~ Anything out of the ordinary ~ Post here - Page 8 EmptyMon May 21, 2012 9:37 pm

After an infant dies they go to live in eternal paradise since they cannot be judged by their actions due to their lack of understanding, the same thing can be said for severely retarded humans... I think they'd take it rather than risk it on another life by having a "rematch".

Everything recycles? My wooden chair turns back into a tree? My walls turn back into bricks? Must I go on? Things that are created do not get re-created. A soul is something created by God and will not be recreated ever again. (BTW my left toenail is definitely NOT part of anything besides my body some of the genes from my parents)

Of course humans learn the same thing, but they build upon it. Do you crawl before you walk? Do you have to create the wheel before the car? Sheesh! Must I go on?

I wouldn't know, I am saying it is the same principal. I have never stated that I had tried either. I clearly stated that is was an analogy not completely the same. Both are non-credible resources that suggest stuff that are in direct violation of the Bible, and that's all I need to know.

If you would have actually studied my post you would have seen that I did NOT post anything about Him coming down in the same BODY but as the same PERSON. You claim people keep their souls yet become different people, when Jesus comes again he will be the same person(not necessarily body) with the same soul.
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